Have you ever had something you were imagining would happen, and then it stayed in your mind for a while, but when it didn't happen as soon as you thought it should, you began to lose hope and doubt that you would ever have it?
When I was a child, I had dreams crushed often, and I did not believe I would ever receive anything good in my life. At the early age of seven, I was bullied, and I did not think anyone liked me. I didn't believe my life was worth living. My thoughts were not good. In fact, I always saw bad things happening, so that's all I believed would happen in my life.
Wrong thinking took precedence at the time, but what if I only imagined how life was much better and I believed that I had better? While I did not know how to think positively for myself at that time, somebody was praying for me. Many years went by as I believed all there would ever be in my life was rejection, hurt, and pain. I struggled with depression to the point where anyone saying anything positive about me would feel bad because I did not believe any good in myself.
Until one day it started to happen…
I began to read the Bible, and one of my favorite verses became “For we live by believing and not by seeing” (2 Corinthians 5:7 NLT). It's taking me some time to dig through the winding roads of living by what I saw to getting to a place where I can dream and hope again. Love, faith, and hope are the greatest attributes to have, and they will last forever (see 1 Corinthians 13:13), so it is imperative to learn how to have faith while hoping and loving in life.
So, what am I dreaming about? As I'm beginning this journey, I do not see the resources yet. Still, I believe to be able to feed the homeless and build a shelter to fill with people ready to walk by faith and not by sight, aiding the poor in ways that they become educated on how not to live with a poverty mindset but a successful mindset. Then, as they grow and become educated, they step out on faith and begin helping build the same love for humanity, always having a heart for them, blessing them not to be conformed to this world but transformed by renewing their minds.
I would love to be in my community as we walk by faith trusting and believing God for the resources to build a place where change is happening, and people are empowered. If you’re interested in becoming a part of our community, join now by clicking here. We will continue to dream, hope, and love more and more together as God opens the windows of heaven and pours out the blessings to bless others. I look forward to sharing with you and being good friends one with the other.
Blessings ❤
Tabitha King, LMT, M-Div.