I couldn’t sleep. I was feeling so frustrated and angry with myself because I felt like I did not get enough done. I was doing so much negative self-talk and feeling like I couldn’t finish the course. I got stuck on my notes in the first chapter and begin to have a breakdown. I was dealing with the limiting belief of “I don’t have enough time.”
I had read a Scripture that somewhat made me feel worse as I was feeling like I had been in rebellion and not obedient as I should be. I had begun to have a bit of a panic attack as I started to itch from my feet to my head. I could not stop itching. I was trying to figure out why I was itching, but I could not stop scratching. Nothing had happened except my continual beat-down of myself. I went to take a hot shower to try to relax and get away from these negative thoughts. I had begun to pray to the Lord to “HELP ME!”
When I got out of the shower, I could think a little more clearly. I had begun to relax and before I fell asleep, the Lord pointed me in the direction of a video about scarcity mindset. That’s when it hit me. I was having so many hidden fears of wanting and needing to have money that I was not focused on my biggest why. I lost track of my first love! Revelation 2:3-5 says, “You have patiently suffered for me without quitting. But I have this complaint against you. You don’t love me or each other as you did at first: look how far you have fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come and remove your lamp stand from its place among the churches” (NLT).
I realized that I was allowing the enemy to keep me in a place of stuck and numbness to where I would not move forward in what God has for me. The first step to breaking your limiting beliefs is identifying one of your limiting beliefs. In order to overcome, you must identify what they are. God has great plans for our lives, but until we focus on Him and not lose sight of His shining glory, we will remain stuck. God gives us everything we need, but we have to get out of our own way and let Him do the work in us. It's time to adopt new beliefs to replace the old self-sabotaging ones and put them into practice.
Again, I wanted everything perfect so much that I began procrastinating and losing focus. God said if I have ears to hear, I must listen to the Spirit and understand what He is saying (v. 7).
I realized my creative genius was detached and I desire to reattach and embrace my creative genius, and God’s creativity in me will now start to flow freely. I Am full of my God’s joy, and I choose to serve more and more consistently!
If you are struggling with limiting beliefs, and not sure how to deal with them, there is a community I would like to invite you to. Feel free to join us here as you begin to work on releasing this burden in your life and invite God to give you rest in its place (Matt. 11:29).
If you want to talk further and go deeper to find balance while receiving counsel, book a 1:1 session with me TODAY as we begin focusing on solutions to better assist you on your journey as you begin to transform into a new way of living.
If you want to know more about how I began turning my limiting beliefs into positive and more focused beliefs, check out this book, Soundracks by Jon Acuff at https://amzn.to/3jJ5MpX. It has so many golden nuggets for living free from overthinking and fear, now living with a specific way to turn it from being a super problem to a superpower!