Have you ever noticed a painful knot in your body, maybe in your neck or your back or shoulder and it wouldn’t go away? Everything you did was not working. In my line of work as a massage therapist, we found that these knots are usually called “trigger points.”
When your body is under stress, whether the stressor is physical or emotional, it always has a reaction to cope with it. Trigger Points are found in your skeletal muscles where your body has the potential to store that stress energy for a long period of time. These are the locations on your muscles that exhibit extraordinary sensitivity, and in some cases, may become so stressed that they produce limited movement, stiffness, and pain.
Specific causes of Trigger Points can include but are not limited to, trauma, overuse, repetitive straining, or alignment imbalances. There can also be episodes where increased and prolonged muscle tension from an existing injury activates Trigger Points.
Unresolved pain from Trigger Points can compound, leading to more chronic problems such as those mentioned at the beginning of the article. It’s important to know that stretching and the typical massage, ice, and painkiller routine won’t resolve the irritation caused by Trigger Points. In some cases, stretching, rubbing, or massage treatment for a muscle can make the pain worse in the long run if the Trigger Point is not released prior to working on the larger areas of the muscle.
During Trigger Point therapy, the therapist will compress the muscle fibers of the Trigger Point, which in turn makes the motor neuron and the muscle relax the muscle contraction. This generally means that the therapist is holding pressure on the knot until it releases as the client is breathing deeply.
As I thought about emotional triggers and how trauma can cause many stressors, I saw a correlation with the knots in our bodies and emotions. If there is something we haven’t dealt with, and you may hear something that brings that emotional trauma back up in your mind, then it may cause a “trigger point” in your body. That is the perfect moment to become aware of the situation that has caused you stress, and then start to deal with it. It is okay that you have reminders that these triggers are still there. It is what you do with them that matters.
Don’t allow your conviction to be based on what you see but keep believing you are healed by Jesus’ stripes. The enemy wants to get you to think that because you see something in front of you, what you said before is not the truth, but the devil is a liar. Romans 4:17 says you are to “speak (call) those things which do not exist as though they did.” Keep believing and don’t give up the faith. Fight this fight with faith on your side and know the triggers are there so you can not get comfortable where you are, but continuously move towards your destiny as you give those issues to God and let Him work them out.
If this resonates with you, and you haven’t learned how to deal with the emotional trauma in your life, here’s an opportunity to check out my course Heart Transformation This will help you learn how to cope with your emotions and take time to care for your own heart so you can become healed, healthy, and whole as you see life-changing results begin to happen for you! If you purchase this course after reading this blog post, you can get it at 50% off if use this code: HALF OFF.
If you are ready to go deeper and need a coach to guide you for the next six months, schedule a 30-minute Triumph Over Illness Activation Call via Zoom and you will receive an assessment to begin moving towards your healing activation for free along with the Heart Transformation Course and some other freebies when signing up for the next six months to move towards your lifetime of wellness.