Have you ever struggled with feeling like you know more than the average person and don't feel like you need to learn anything else? Do you ever feel like you are better at something and everyone needs to look up to you? Reverent humility is the sixth condition to begin having a successful Bible study. "If any man thinks that he knoweth anything, he knoweth nothing as he ought to know." Humility is only another name for docility. This is the characteristic of an ideal disciple.
Disciple is the word those who followed Jesus first received. Disciple means learner. They entered the school of faith and life. When I was in high school, I would go through school making good grades, never having to study, never feeling like I needed help, and never asked questions.
It wasn't until I went to college and realized I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and after eight years of going to several colleges, I finally found what I loved to do. My passion found me instead of the other way around. I had no clue that I wanted to become a Massage Therapist until I received a phone call to try out their programs, and a light switch went off in my head at that moment to check out the Massage Therapy program. After that, I was overly excited and eager to learn.
After receiving my Associate's Degree, I did not stop there because learning became a part of me. My heart was to serve others, but after being a Massage Therapist for a few years, I wanted to go back to school to get my bachelor's degree. Then on to my master's degree to continue the learning process, realizing I will never stop learning. So, while I am not continuing in school, I am learning more about myself and how I can help others.
The Latin word from which humility comes means near the ground. An old writer said (paraphrasing), "There are two safe places in the universe, the heavens, and the dust. The dust is safer, for some have fallen from heaven, but have you heard of anyone falling from the dust? Where could he fall?" So be clothed with humility, a new style of dress goods, prices not gone up on the war. "God resisteth the proud and giveth grace unto the humble."
But alas! when the consciousness of humility goes into the heart, the grace of humility goes out. Life is for learning, and there is no privilege more significant than going to school. Christ is the Teacher, and we graduate into the High School of heaven to sit at His feet throughout eternity. Gifted godly men can teach you much, but by and by on the heaven side bank of the river of death, you'll sit down with Paul and Abraham and Noah and Enoch, and they'll give you Bible teaching that is worth looking forward to. That is a post-graduate course that awaits us on the other side. Humility is necessary because it tends to self-depreciation. There is no dogmatism or bigotry so rigid and bitter as that of ignorance. Lord Bason said, "A little learning tendeth to self-conceit, but much learning tendeth to humility." The men who know most think they know the least, and the men who know the least think they know it all.
I am posting a 90-day Bible reading plan challenge in my community where you can begin reading and learning more with us. There are other freebies, giveaways, and guides within the group as well. If you are interested in joining my free group, click here.
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