Have you noticed how nothing can steal your peace quicker than an argument, a fight, or any relationship problem? You start sitting and stewing over what someone had said and done, but do you find it peaceful? This is why love is so closely tied to your peace. It’s a good thing love is a decision, or we’d all be in trouble!
You get to choose to love and be loved. If you have been making great strides in your faith-spending time in God’s Word, standing on His promises, and confessing His truth over your life, guess what, Satan starts to take notice. Don’t think it will be easy when you start doing things right. No! He’s going to try and take that from you; after all, he only comes to steal, kill, and destroy you.
How does he do it? He’ll use circumstances and he will also use people. Jesus said He left us His peace, and if we remain in His peace, we will live in the abundant life that we are called to live in. James 4:7 makes this so simple: resist the devil and he will flee. Begin to tell any worry, frustration, doubt, or fear when they try to steal your peace, say out loud, “______, I resist you. Leave in the Name of Jesus!” If it comes back two seconds later, say it again, and keep saying it until it leaves for good.
I have formed a Sister Circle for you as you are choosing to live a lifetime of wellness. This is important as you will need the support as you go through days of pain and your goal is to stay on task in love, joy, and peace. You are not to take the bait and jump off the deep end in those moments, but you are to find solace in the Word of God, and it’s helpful if someone who has already went through those emotional draining moments, then you can come and be supported by someone who has been where you are and can give you guidance as you go through your journey.
Guess what friends, after some deep thought, I have decided to make this program one with lifetime access! That’s right! As you go through the program, if you decide to pay in full, or pay it off completely in 6 months, you will have access to all the materials FOREVER! This information is so important for your life as you are learning how to guard your heart above all else and learning how to live remaining in the fruit of the Spirit as Christ remains in you. I thought about it, and while six months is enough time to get the information, you may have a setback, and need to replenish. My sister, this is MY GIFT to you.
Click here to begin your lifetime of wellness as you are guided to turn your life around, becoming healed, healthy, and whole!