When reading the Bible, do you tend to get bored and don’t see how it will help you? If you don’t love to study the Bible, you’d better postpone this course of study because the third condition is having a ravenous appetite for Bible study. The desire grows by what it feeds on, and if you don’t have an appetite, you need to pray for one.
Sometimes a person gets run down and goes to a doctor. Before the doctor makes a diagnosis, he quizzes you. The first question is, how is your appetite? If you have no appetite, you need medicine. When a Christian has no desire for God’s Word, it is a dangerous symptom.
Many people prefer novels or newspapers to the Bible, members of the church too. But, to make any progress in Bible study, you must love the Bible. Unless you put your heart into the work, it is a struggle, and it never succeeds. The highest success is the spirit in which you do your job.
God never says, “Well done, thou good and successful servant,” but “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” Cultivate your appetite. A solid spiritual appetite is the most significant spiritual safeguard. “O taste and see that the Lord is good.” “How sweet are Thy words unto my mouth, yea sweeter than honey to my lips.” “Give us, this day, our daily bread.” Now is the acceptable time to learn to eat and digest God’s Word so that you prepare for all things going on in your life and the lives of others.
I am posting a 90-day Bible reading plan challenge in my community where you can begin reading and learning more with us. There are other freebies, giveaways, and guides within the group as well. If you are interested in joining my free group, click here.
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