Unveiling Natural Solutions to Modern-Day Challenges: Inflammation, Stress, and Emotional Eating

Unveiling Natural Solutions to Modern-Day Challenges: Inflammation, Stress, and Emotional Eating
In our contemporary society, the stress and pace of life often lead to inflammation, stress, and emotional eating, forming a challenging cycle that affects our health and emotional well-being. Nature offers abundant remedies for these ailments, primarily through the power of anti-inflammatory foods and essential oils, which can significantly contribute to restoring balance and promoting a healthier lifestyle. By integrating these natural solutions into our daily lives, we can support our body's natural defenses and foster a greater sense of well-being.

Holistic Care for Moms with Chronic Illness

Holistic Care for Moms with Chronic Illness
For African-American moms managing a chronic illness, holistic care is an important part of staying healthy. Holistic care takes into account the whole person – body, mind, and spirit – 

Should Adults Act Like Little Children?

Should Adults Act Like Little Children?
Have you ever seen an adult yelling and screaming in public at one of their children or even their spouse? Have you ever been the adult doing the yelling and screaming, feeling angry and not sure why? How did you feel when seeing this behavior? How did you feel as you were yelling and screaming? 

I have been one of those parents who did everything I could to not yell in public, but my kids would do everything they could to push me over the edge. I can't blame my children because I needed to know how to manage my own emotions better rather than letting them push every single button that caused me stress and tension.

Jesus doesn’t call people to childish behavior but to childlike faith. The qualities of humility, trust, receptivity, and a lack of self-sufficiency all characterize the person of faith. The kingdom of God is not earned by human effort but is received in childlike trust as a gift of the mercy and grace of God.

As adults, it may have been that you were yelled at as a child, and it comes naturally to you to do the same with your children. You may not want to, but maybe you haven't learned how to control your emotions. There is no blame for the behaviors for this is a no-judgment zone. Trust me, I've been there and done that!

If an adult is acting in a childish manner, they behave badly in a way that would be expected of a child.  If a child is throwing a temper tantrum, does that mean we have to respond and behave in the same way the child is acting? 

At times, it can be difficult for anyone to manage emotions. This is especially true when we’re feeling consumed by agitation and all our buttons are being pushed. This emotion could be anger, but it could also be grief, frustration, or shame. Remember, it's the enemy's job to use anyone and anything to keep us from moving forward to victory.

Stress can also make it harder to regulate your emotions. During the pandemic, many people have had heightened feelings of anger or aggression. According to an interview in Stanford Medicine, anger can be pretty difficult to grapple with — but it can be channeled positively when we learn to deal with it constructively.

Because we’re adults, that doesn’t mean we have to make life all about work. Learn how play can benefit your relationships, job, and mood.

In our hectic, modern lives, many of us focus so heavily on work and family commitments that we never seem to have time for pure fun. Somewhere between childhood and adulthood, we stopped playing. When we carve out some leisure time, we’re more likely to zone out in front of the TV or computer than engage in fun, rejuvenating play as we did as children. But play is not just essential for kids; it can also be an important source of relaxation and stimulation for adults. Try it! Let me know how you feel afterward 😉 .

I would love to be able to serve you on a deeper level to help you move toward the healing you are looking for so you can have a lifetime of wellness. Join my free community here to be nurtured and cared for as you grow into the fun-loving woman/mom you're desiring to be! 

If you are ready for change, go ahead and schedule an Introductory Call so we can introduce ourselves to see how I can be of service to you. Also, feel free to get my Healing E-Motions Journal so you can begin writing down your feelings in those moments where triggers rise. This will help you begin to manage and control your feelings on a greater level.
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Your Babies Feel What You Feel…

Your Babies Feel What You Feel…
My husband at the time was about to go away to Iraq, and I found out I was pregnant again. I had a panic attack when he was getting ready to leave. I did not know why I was so upset about him leaving,...

Are you tired of being stressed out???

When I had my baby, she was so beautiful and radiant, but because of my stress and anxiety, she leaned further towards her father, and I was still feeling alone.
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