Have you ever felt pressured to bottle up your emotions because someone told you to stop crying or questioned why you smiled so much? When I was younger, countless people told me how I "should" act and feel. Over time, I became so focused on suppressing my tears and smiles that I grew numb to my feelings. I didn't know how to feel anymore. This led to a significant problem: I constantly said, "I'm fine," to avoid ridicule, even when I desperately needed to scream.
A few years ago, I realized I was living in a numb state. What does it mean to be living numb, you ask? It means existing in a state of unconsciousness to avoid thinking and feeling, essentially protecting oneself by staying emotionally detached. Living numb felt “safer,” but I was far from safe. I was living without being my true self, dimming my light, and settling for less than I desired.
You were created to thrive and shine brightly in this world. What are your dreams? Have you stopped believing in them because someone told you they weren't possible? Have you stopped believing in yourself, keeping yourself safe from others' reactions? It's time to accept all that you are.
This morning, while reading my devotional, I encountered a profound message: part of God’s conforming process involves experiencing rejection, as Christ did. Though we may suffer from rejection, we aren't meant to stay in that state forever. It's time to accept who you are. When Christ died on the cross, He took everything with Him, including our feelings of rejection. By accepting this, we can start feeling the good emotions of being accepted.
One way I deal with emotional trauma is by using essential oils to open up awareness and become more conscious of areas in my life where I've been operating unconsciously. Emotions release chemical messengers stored in our bodies, and supportive oils can help release these compounds. For me, Purification oil has been particularly effective. I place it over my lungs and affirm, "I ACCEPT ALL THAT I AM." Initially, it was hard, and I felt nothing because I had built up walls. But once I allowed myself to feel, those walls came down, and I felt warmth in my spirit and heart.
Apply large doses of God’s love to your heart daily and allow Him to renew your mind. Over time, rejection will give way to acceptance, and you'll embrace all you are. "Lord, how I thank You for the assurance that You will not reject Your people; You will never forsake Your inheritance" (Ps. 94:14).
Check out my YouTube video on How Essential Oils Changed My Life here.

Chronic pain can greatly impact your life, but understanding the link between emotions and physical pain can provide holistic solutions for managing it. Research shows that stress, anxiety, and depression can intensify pain, creating a vicious cycle. It's essential to address pain management's emotional and physical aspects to achieve overall wellness.
Holistic solutions such as a balanced diet, coaching, and support groups also play a pivotal role in managing pain by fostering emotional wellness. Practices like meditation and the use of essential oils can enhance emotional and physical health. Embracing these holistic approaches can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life, paving the way for effective chronic pain management.