Satan, You Have Been SERVED!!!

Satan, You Have Been SERVED!!!
Imagine a thief who has broken into your house and is now claiming rights he doesn't have. He flicks through the channels on your TV and throws the rubbish on the floor. He’s not just behaving as if he owns the place, but as if no one owned the place. What arrogance!

Learning to Deal with Fear

Learning to Deal with Fear
Have you ever found yourself suppressing your emotions to manage the uncomfortable, overwhelming feelings and thoughts that are better off not dealing with right now?

How to Cultivate Gratitude to Replace Anxiety

How to Cultivate Gratitude to Replace Anxiety
Getting to the place of no longer leading by our own efforts takes practice because anxiety is used to dictate what you pay attention to as well as your perspective. It’s a matter of patience and persistence as you develop a sense of gratitude to replace anxiety...