As I talk about the second condition for studying the Bible and having success, I just wanted to share how this morning I woke up a little stiff and tired, and really did not want to walk. But I did my meditation first and realizing the need to put off my old self and allow the new to start blossoming (see Eph. 4:22-24). As I finished my meditation moments, I got up and went for a walk with the Lord. As I read and listened to God’s Word while walking, my spiritual and physical body began to be strengthened, for where I am weak, then am I strong as Christ’s power works in me (see 2 Cor. 12:10).
Our second condition deals with being filled with the Holy Spirit. A man must be baptized with the Holy spirit as well as born of the Spirit to study the Bible successfully. While all Christians have the Holy Spirit, there is something beyond where we have a mental salvation. We come to receive that the Holy Spirit is our teacher and guide and helper that presents a marvelous benefit on the believer.
“Be renewed in the spirit of your minds.” While we must purify our hearts by faith, it is just as necessary to have a renewed mind. The Holy Spirit is like oil to lubricate the mental machinery so that a man can think coherently, imagine vividly, remember retentively, and argue logically.
There was a young girl who went to the chalkboard feeling helpless and very ashamed because she had no idea how to answer the question. But then she began to pray with her face to the board, “O God, show me how to solve this problem.” In the twinkling of an eye, the solution flashed into her mind, and she took the chalk and proceeded to answer with the correct answer on the chalkboard, and the whole class applauded.
That was a mental miracle, and the Holy Spirit illuminating her mind in answer to prayer. That comes from having the Holy Spirit as your mentality to stimulate you, to enlighten you, and to help you, and our minds need saving just as much as our souls, and as much as our bodies, for our highest life is a mental life, and even our spiritual life comes under the scope of our mentality. The Holy Spirit is our teacher to guide us into all truth and studying with the help of the Holy Spirit makes for a better and successful study.
Look for the next condition in the next post as it’s becoming more and more exciting to study God’s Word for me, and I pray it is for you as well! I am posting a 90-day reading plan challenge in my community where you can begin reading and learning more with us. There’s other freebies, giveaways, and guides within the group as well. If you are interested in joining my free group, click here.
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