She's as close as a friend, but don't be fooled because she's destructive as an enemy. She’s here to destroy your faith, confidence, and especially your relationships. She makes you doubt yourself, your dreams, and even the purpose God has placed on your life. She disguises herself as one who wants to help when really her sole purpose is to put you in bondage; controlling your every thought, word, and action.
Her name, you ask?
She's the closest and most dangerous friend we've allowed into our lives and it is time to say goodbye.
I know what you're wondering. How can we really rid ourselves of insecurity when we've been living with her for so long? She has a grip on every area of our lives and whether we realize her impact or not, we feel her creeping up in our hearts every single day.
As we scroll through social media.
As our husband takes an unknown phone call.
As a friend canceled plans last minute.
As a coworker gets a promotion we applied for.
As we get a quick glimpse of our reflection.
As we leave a social event alone.
Whenever we think we've finally parted ways with insecurity, there she is, in the depths of our hearts like an infestation that we just can't seem to get rid of.
However, through the truth of God, we can and we must because insecurity is taking more from us than we ever wanted to give. Most of all it's taking our freedom. But as Jesus instructs us the key to our freedom is truth. Know that you are an OVERCOMER! Sis, God did not bring you this far to leave you. As you continue to let your light shine, safety is all around you. You just have to believe. Insecurity has no place in your life. So whatever the enemy is trying to do to steal your joy and kill the truth inside of you, don't let him. God remains in control, and when you walk in His security, there's nothing you can't do!
To learn more about what God’s truth tells us about insecurity, and how to break free from the bondage in your life resulting from it, please join my free community where I share more about four ways that will help you move away from an insecure state to being secure in God as He moves to bring new light into your life. Click this link to join now.