Have you said you were going to do a thing and ended up putting it off until it never got done? Have you told your children you were going to spend time with them, and you kept working until it was their bedtime, and they ended up falling asleep before you took a few moments away from what you were doing?
I have been in that place of being so busy that I would lose track of time, and by the time I noticed the day was over, and nighttime had set, it was too late to play and make time for the kids.
Did you know that how we show up in one area of our lives is the same way we show up in every area? When I learned this bit of information, it hit me hard. You can either be in denial or accept the responsibility of where you currently are and begin to move past it.
When I realized I had been making promises to myself that I was going to lose the weight, and not keeping it as well as making time for my husband and children, but I put everything else in the way of where I truly believe they are most important. It happens. It’s okay. When you notice those things are happening, just reset and commit.
Commitment has been such a taboo word in most people’s lives these days and people are afraid to commit, but, all the things we want in life take commitment. Commitment is the payment you pay for the things worth having in life.
My family, health, business, and relationships are worth having, so, therefore, I must put in the work and make commitments. If you have a negative mindset behind commitment, you’re going to struggle in life. If you want results, you must be willing to commit.
When I learned this, I realized the need not to put too much on my schedule at once because that’s where I would mess up. I get so gung-ho that I overdo it and nothing gets done. So, I found that when you commit to something, make small commitments that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-based (SMART). These tools will help you to not overwhelm yourself but be ready to get the task done well.
Today, I made a commitment to myself to eat at least two healthy meals and walk for a mile. I told my husband that I would start making dinner for him before he went to work, and I am living in the present moment and making those things happen today. That is something doable, so I am very happy about my wins for today. When you make goals, celebrate your wins, and don’t look in the past where you may have missed the mark before, but be happy where you are in the moment!
If this resonates with you, feel free to join my community where I share more about how to be fully committed and there are more guides, freebies, and giveaways in the group. If this piques your interest, please click here.
Also, I have a course that is made for mothers with infants who deal with stress and tension and tend to let commitment go by the wayside. This course is helpful to show you different self-love tips and ways to massage your infant and begin a communication regimen with your baby. If you want in, grab it here. You are also able to use a promo code because you are reading this blog, and if you use VIP, you will get $20 off because you are very important!