Moms, have you ever felt like you were so agitated and frustrated with your children when they get sick? I know most moms feel like they have to clean up their children’s mess when they get sick, but I have always had such intolerance for puke and when they are coughing up so much mucus (sorry not sorry for the illustration 😅).
My 4-year-old has been dealing with cold symptoms for the last few days, and when she gets to coughing up so much stuff, it literally tends to make me sick to my stomach as she is dealing with her painful stuff. I don’t know if it’s because of my sensitivity as a Massage therapist, but I feel everything all the time, and when she’s sick, I feel as if I’m going through the same issues that she is going through. My husband has gotten so used to me getting queasy and taking care of the matter better because I have not figured out how to put my feelings aside in those moments, until just recently…
When I see my child feeling bad, instead of pushing her away in those moments, I felt led by the Holy Spirit to diffuse Humility in the air as it is an essential oil that brings nurturing and acceptance to your environment. I used to feel isolated and guilty because of the way I could not reach out to my children when they needed me, and I actually did have some emotional trauma to deal with, but in the midst of my breathing in humility, I spoke these words, “I Am Enough” and because I started to breathe in this very pure oil, I could feel it in my veins that God was showing me “It is not I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal. 2:20), and when I humble myself, I can be the mother that my children need me to be. Knowing you are enough brings positivity into the atmosphere where your worth shows up more for you and your child.
Sometimes you may go through some things in life that make you feel numb and distant in certain situations. Have you ever given it any thought as to where those feelings start from and the root of the situation? What do you do when you become aware of these things?
Emotional and physical health are so closely linked, and often our physical ailments are a result of stored trauma! You need to get the Feelings Collections Kit in order to begin the healing process because our sense of smell is directly related to our emotions and mood. Click here to get your kit. If you are ready to partner with me, you can get this kit for free (diffuser not included)!
If you are having a hard time figuring out your next steps and dealing with these feelings of irritability, frustration, agitation, and anger, feel free to reach out to me for a 1:1 session where I can help you be accountable and get to the place of focusing on solutions for the situation. Click here to schedule an Introductory Call so we can get to know one another a little better.
You can also join my free group where I serve people who deal with chronic pain and chronic illnesses, and that’s where I share tips for becoming healthy and whole in a biblical way. Check it out here.