My Last Doll Baby

My Last Doll Baby
“It’s not fair!” My Cabbage Patch was taken away from me at the age of thirteen because someone felt I was too old for dolls.

How to Identify Limiting Beliefs that are Preventing Success (Part 1)

How to Identify Limiting Beliefs that are Preventing Success (Part 1)
I couldn’t sleep. I was feeling so frustrated and angry with myself because I felt like I did not get enough done. I was doing so much negative self-talk and feeling like I couldn’t finish the course. I got stuck on my notes in the first chapter and begin to have a breakdown. I was dealing with the limiting belief of “I don’t have enough time.”


How to Harness the Power of Your Essential Oils

How to Harness the Power of Your Essential Oils
Did you know if you are having trouble being creative, essential oils can help you?

Finding Joy During Pain

Finding Joy During Pain
Do you ever find yourself in pain and you do not know what to do about it because you are on tons of medication already, but find that you still have a lot of pain? 

Finding Joy While Suffering

Finding Joy While Suffering
Every fall morning, I tend to wake up barely able to get out of bed. Most days my arms and legs are in so much pain that I don’t want to move. 
I have so much to get done, but the fatigue is getting to me and I feel like…

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