The top-level commitment for a person has a no excuses, do-whatever-it-takes attitude. This person reaches their goals. The difference between Top-Committers and the other levels are these five things:
- They believe in their purpose, and it is their divine right to have it;
- They master their feelings, so every setback does not pull them down;
- They use obstacles as opportunities to see their shadow mind and escape conditioning of the past that kept them from their goal before;
- They invest in themselves and get support from a trainer, a coach, or a mentor that holds the vision for them and keeps them accountable;
- The passion for their goal is more significant than any fear they encounter or how long it takes to get there!
The most significant difference with genuinely committed people is that they see the attempt to attain their goal as a path to grow and become a higher conscious human being. They see that the real “gold” is in the journey and that the personal growth they experience through setbacks is building muscle and preparing them for being able to receive and appreciate the goal.
I had been struggling with my desire to play the piano for years. I have played a few songs here and there, but my goal is to play in every key and be able to sing while playing. It wasn’t until I sat down at the piano, and a fire lit inside of me, and I played in all twelve keys! I’m still at the beginner stages, but my journey has been building muscle for my achievements through the obstacles. I believe I will play and sing at the same time, and therefore, it shall be because through the challenging moments, I cannot stay in the place where I give up but strive for excellence to keep moving forward in everything I put my mind to, and you can do the same.
Don’t allow negativity to get in the way of your success. Remember this Scripture. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.” Christ gives us the strength to work on every goal within our minds.
The only feeling that a commitment-minded person allows to influence them is pure love, even in the face of adversity. The setbacks become gifts to light the way and open the heart and mind to receive great life experiences.
If your goal is to find love this year, lose weight, make more money, or change careers, you must first start by committing. Prepare to be uncomfortable because that is what it truly means to leave your comfort zone.
Your feelings will panic and want you to retreat. Notice how your mind and emotions will try to stop you with every obstacle but continue to hold the vision of what you want. Find a mentor or guide to help you stay focused and not give up when things feel uncertain or scary.
There is a reason why most people do not reach their dreams. It is not because of bad luck but because of a lack of commitment. What is your level of commitment? What do you want to create in the coming year? Please share in the comments below!
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Also, I just finished creating a journal for couples to begin speaking life over each other in these trying times. Be a Top-Level Committer within your marriage! So many struggles and hardships are going on all around us; why not build the one we love most on earth and fill each other’s love tank daily with words of affirmation. Check it out here!