Do you struggle with internalizing things and not knowing where to go for help? How do you deal with specific problems in your life? The last condition to have for successful Bible study is ceaseless prayer. (Jer. 33:3.) “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and hidden things which thou knowest not.”
Suppose you ponder long on a passage of Scripture, and the meaning is vague. What shall you do? Consult commentaries? Yes, but get down on your knees and pray. Say, “Lord, what does this passage mean?” Then get up and study it some more. If it still baffles you, get down and pray about it some more and plead the promise.
Open your Bible to James 1:5, put your finger on this passage, and say, “Lord, I plead this particular promise. I confess my lack of wisdom. O, Thou Spirit of Light and Truth, illuminate me.” Then get up and go to work, and while you work and while you pray, the light will filter in, and thought will come from God. Have you ever wondered where ideas originate? Is not the origin of thought as great a mystery as the origin of life? Who can explain it? We say life comes from God. Doesn’t thought come from God? You hold your mind against a problem and keep it there. Ideas come like doves flocking to the window from the north and south, and ideas come like doves flocking to the window? Whence come they if not from God?
Martin Luther’s motto was, “To have prayed well is to have studied well.” The time you spend in prayer is an immense advantage, not a hindrance, not a handicap, but an indispensable help to the understanding of God’s Word. Consider the seven conditions under which you may pursue Bible study: Regeneration, baptism of the Holy Spirit, ravenous appetite, unflagging industry, implicit obedience, reverent humility, ceaseless prayer. With these conditions in your hand, you cannot go wrong. Keep them close by and continue learning of the Only One who can bring you through any and everything you go through in life.
My 90-day Bible study reading plan and challenge is in my community. I would love to have you join us and begin working together in unity as we build a relationship and grow spiritually and physically into the successful people we are! If you want to jump into the group, click here.
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