Reading for Stress Relief

Reading for Stress Relief
Reading isn't just something you have to do for school - it's a powerful stress-buster! When we open a book, our minds get an invitation into another world that can distract us from life’s daily stresses.


How to Control Blood Pressure Without Medication

How to Control Blood Pressure Without Medication
Have you been struggling with keeping your blood pressure down and want to discover how to reduce it naturally? If you have high blood pressure, you may wonder if medication is necessary to bring the numbers down. But lifestyle plays a vital role in treating high blood pressure. 

Holistic Care for Moms with Chronic Illness

Holistic Care for Moms with Chronic Illness
For African-American moms managing a chronic illness, holistic care is an important part of staying healthy. Holistic care takes into account the whole person – body, mind, and spirit – 

How to Win Your Battle Against Cancer

How to Win Your Battle Against Cancer
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness in October, I would like to share about how God is able during your storm. No matter what comes your way, always know you are not alone! God loves you and He is faithful. Don't let your trials break you. 

How to Break The Chains of Insecurity

How to Break The Chains of Insecurity
Who is this?

She makes you doubt yourself, your dreams, and even the purpose God has placed on your life. She disguises herself as one who wants to help when really her sole purpose is to put you in bondage; controlling your every thought, word, and action. 

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