October 24, 2023 6:14 AM
When reading Acts 13 and 14, the apostle Paul spoke about being in the grave and decaying (putrefaction) and breaking apart (dissolution). Later, He spoke about the One God raised to life would see no corruption. Jesus Christ, fully human and fully God, did not see any decay nor did He rot in the grave (see 13:34-37). However, King David, whom God gave to the people in his time, was fully human, as we are, and He died, was buried, and decayed in the grave.
We, God’s children, have faith to know and believe that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, rose from the dead as the second psalm states “You are My Son; today I have begotten You [caused You to arise, to be born; formally shown You to be the Messiah by the resurrection] (Ps. 2:7). God has given His Son to the cross to fulfill and give to us the holy and sure mercy and blessings that were promised and assured to David (His unfailing love) (see Isaiah 55:3).
Instead of Jesus dissolving and rotting in the grave, through Him, everyone who believes [who acknowledges Jesus as his Savior and devotes himself to Him] is absolved (cleared and free) from every charge from which he could not be justified and freed by the Law of Moses and given right standing with God.
Do you know what this means??? You are free from blame and guilt, released from consequences, obligations, and penalties once you accept Christ into your life; forgiveness and removal of sins are given to you.
In order to receive forgiveness, you must be willing to repent and confess your faults. When you hide these things that need to be forgiven, you are adding decay to your life. You, who are fully human, have the opportunity to no longer dissolve with guilt and shame in your hearts, but you can now absolve as you release the pain of guilt, shame, and defeat. Through Christ Jesus, you are more than a conqueror; no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Believe in Jesus, and you will achieve the overcoming of all your sins. Seek God, Trust Jesus, Walk in the Spirit, and Live Again!
What happens when you do all these things? In Acts 14, we see how the apostle Paul did not stay still, but Paul and Barnabas spoke freely, fearlessly, and boldly in the Lord, continuing to bear testimony to the Word of His grace, and when people did not hear what they had to say, they would shake the dust off their feet against them and began to move into other towns to tell the Good News of how they no longer are bound by the chains of defeat and failure, shame and guilt, condemnation and oppression, but they are loosed to love more freely and share God’s Word to the ends of the world.
Lift up your voices, my Sisters, and begin to tell of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, no longer dissolving and walking with your head low, but how you overcome by absolving- raising up and telling everyone you know about what Jesus did for you. You are the light of the world. Go and shine bright!
If you have never accepted Christ into your life, now is your chance. God has given you an opportunity to open your heart and invite Him into your life today. There's so much to be thankful for, and this Salvation is the greatest gift to mankind. Won't you give your life today and surrender by saying yes to God's Will and absolving? Rise up and be free!
If you're looking for a local church home, please join us at King's Grove Pentecostal Holiness Church (6300 Old Myrtle Road, Suffolk, VA 23434) for worship every Sunday morning at 10 AM for Sunday School and 11:30 AM for worship service. If you're not local and would like to learn more about how to be free from shame and guilt, join my free community where I will be sharing more of God's good news and how to live life free, healed, healthy, and whole in your body, mind, and spirit.