Are you struggling trying to figure out how to live in this life? Are you having problems overworking yourself, and your body is worn out because of it? Today I want to share the fourth condition of having successful Bible study moments, and it is unflagging industry, or hard work. “In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge.” Men don’t find golden nuggets lying around loose on the surface of the earth. They must look for them, and the deeper they dig and the harder they work, the more precious treasure do they find.
There are no rewards for laziness. There is no truth to be discovered save by the hardest work. Each chapter, every passage, every verse is a great mine, of which we only scratch the outer surface. The Word is infinite and inexhaustible. But this is the greatest need of all—hard work. The chief attraction of heaven lies suggested in the activities of the cherubim—they rest not day nor night. They work 24 hours a day. Isn’t that delightful?
The time we sleep is wasted. We are unconscious. What a small sum of our time remains to do anything! One-third of our time is spent in bed, resting, another one-third-feeding, grooming, and nursing these bodies of our humiliation. What a pitiable fraction of time is left to do anything for God or man, and oh, how glorious it will be to keep on working 24 hours at a stretch! The student who works the hardest does the most and goes the farthest.
While you do not have to work hard doing work, so much as being in Him as He works in you, it is important to understand that when we are working, we are seeking God first as He directs our path to do His will. We are not here to be overworked in our physical bodies, but as we send praises up to God all day every day, we are working to lift Him up and sing His praises. As we study God’s Word constantly, we learn all the treasures for life as we stay close to God. He will give you everything you need as you look to Him to give you the things you need to continue “pressing toward the goal to win the high prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus” (see Phil. 3:14).