What are you dreaming about? (Part 2)

When dreaming about something, how would you go about doing so?  What plans do you put in place to begin seeing things play out? Are you envisioning what it may look like to have your dreams? As I discussed walking by faith and not by sight, I began to envision, or picture mentally, this plan for my life. Then, God begins to work in the midst of it all.

On yesterday, my husband and I were coming back from dropping our daughter off at school when out of the blue, he asked me, “if you have $1 million in hand right now, dollar for dollar, what would you do with it?” I have to say when he asked me; it took me by surprise. But, I began to tell him my dream of building homes for the homeless and feeding the poor. I started to share how I wanted to see people coming off the streets no longer struggling, but once they began to get in their feet as I share every resource I have available to me, I hope and pray that they begin to see God's love and start to heal from that poverty mindset that they have been in, and begin to walk in abundance, as we are called to live in God's abundance for the Bible says, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.” – John 10:10

While the enemy’s job is to steal and destroy our dreams, it is our job to keep hoping and keep dreaming. As long as we don't give up hope in the Lord, we will one day see the fruition of our labor. Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.” I'm reminded of a song where the lyrics go like this:  

“Some folks would rather have houses and land;

Some folks choose silver and gold

But these things that they treasure and forget all about their soul

I've decided to make Jesus my choice

The road gets rough, and the going gets tough

And the hills are hard to climb

I started out a long time ago

There is no doubt in my mind

I've decided to make Jesus my choice.”


The great thing about dreaming is we’re able to believe in Someone Greater than us. While I do not have the resources, I have faith in God, who can calm the turbulent storms in our lives and bring peace and joy in a world full of chaos. God can do just what He said He would do, and I believe by faith that He hears me, and He's making a way out of no way. So trust God to see you through. What are you dreaming about?


Envisioning the plan and keeping it close to your heart is a great place to begin. So if you’re interested in envisioning together and becoming a part of our community, join now by clicking here. We will continue to dream, hope, and love more and more together as God opens the windows of heaven and pours out the blessings to bless others. I look forward to sharing with you and being good friends one with the other.

Blessings ❤

Tabitha King, LMT, M-Div.


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