Have you ever found yourself stuck and needing clarity for certain issues in your life?
I have had some real troublesome financial situations lately, and I decided to go on a fast because I am seeking a spiritual breakthrough for my needs.
I realized through fasting and prayer, the Holy Spirit can transform your life, so I began to journal my thoughts and pray to the Lord as I wrote my prayer and began communicating how I have been feeling and how I need Him to move mountains for me.
As I began this fast, the Sunday morning sermon gave me an answer for how long to do the fast as the preacher preached about three days it takes for a seed to begin to sprout. In the same way, once Jesus died on the cross, it took three days for Him to rise and live again. So, I chose to fast for three days with one meal in the evening each day while drinking water all day.
As I began to read and study the Word of God, I came across some intriguing information for studying God’s Word. There are seven conditions under which Bible Study may be prosecuted with success.
First, this condition is more of a prerequisite, and that is regeneration. You must be born again before you can understand the Bible. You do not have to go to a university or Seminary or study Hebrew and Greek, but it is necessary to be good, to be pure, and to be holy.
The heart is what makes a theologian for it is the organ of spiritual vision, and character becomes the key to unlock the mysteries of prophecy. A man must be born of the Spirit before he knows what the Bible teaches.
If you are intrigued and want to learn more, check out my next blog post for the next condition. Also, I have posted a 90-day reading plan challenge, in my community where you can begin reading and learning more with us. There’s other freebies, giveaways, and guides within the group as well. If you are interested in joining my free group, click here.
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