With shades of Sapphire’s hardness, the myth embodies the idea of African American women as perpetually tough and uniquely indestructible.
Strong. Black. Woman.
The words fit together like Blue Magic, sizzling hot combs, and Sunday afternoon.
We are the fighters and the women who don’t take no mess from anyone. We are the sassy women with the sharp tongues and hands firmly on our hips. We are the ride-or-die chicks. We are the women who have, like Sojourner Truth, “plowed and planted and gathered into barns.” We are the mothers who make a way out of no way, making sure our children had everything they needed and more.
Too often, we are the women who dare not give in to our vulnerability, even as we’re breaking, emotionally and physically.
Many women find undeniable truth, liberation, and empowerment in the “strong black woman” meme.
Some have found many black women unwilling to let go of the idea of strength as part of their identity. When the myth is challenged, it is nearly always met with debate.
Some women say, "I actually take pride in being strong, why would you want to take that from me?”
This is the key:
Realizing “I am strong and I am powerful, but I am also vulnerable and I am also able to break and because of that I should be very careful with myself and expect the people around me to be careful with me as well—to support me, help me, provide encouragement, and provide some kind of relief.”
And that is the problem—at least part of it. It is easy to forget that people who are strong need support and relief. It is sometimes depressingly hard for even black women to remember that they are not, indeed, superwomen.
This is my reasoning for forming a “Sister Circle” where we can come together and meet each other’s needs by supporting each other as we learn how to be vulnerable and strong, for “in our weaknesses, we are strong (see 2 Corinthians 12:10). This is how we move towards healing.
Schedule a Healing Activation Call with me today for you to move towards being vulnerable and no longer holding on to the negative parts of being a “Strong Black Woman.” You got this, Sis! You are a champion and an overcomer, and the way to be those is to release any feeling that you must be everything for everyone. Learn how to rest in God’s presence so you can live with peace of mind, and a heart full of joy! https://bit.ly/3bPGjtl
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