Emotional Wellness
Emotional and physical health are so closely linked, and often, our physical ailments are a result of stored trauma! We want to dig deep to release all our comfort vices, sit with and honor our experiences and trauma, and do the emotional work needed to move forward in healing and self-love. Instead of turning to things like detachment, Netflix binges, alcohol, food, sugar, shopping, work, projects, or any other comfort measure that keeps us from truly processing the emotions beneath, we are going to pull out the Feelings Kit and use these oil blends with intention and consistency! 

Check out these videos to help with Emotional Needs.
The part of the brain where new nerve cells are created is connected to the part of the brain that processes emotions and is also connected to our sense of smell. We want to utilize the tools we have (i.e., Essential Oils) to dig deep and release the emotional baggage of trauma that is weighing us down!

Feelings Kit Collection
The Feelings Collection includes six essential oil blends, each a powerful tool for supporting and releasing emotional patterns. Use them in the morning and evening to promote peaceful thoughts and spiritual harmony.
Harmony blend helps to release toxic beliefs and thought patterns related to feeling ignored, crushed, hostile, afraid of punishment, beating ourselves up, sarcasm, and stubbornness.
  • To use:
    • When there are situations where you are experiencing some of the emotions listed above, sit or stand still until you feel where that emotion is causing a sensation in your body. It might feel like pain, twitching, tingling, aching, nausea, heat, cold, or a general tension. Rub Harmony over the area (or just nearby if it's sensitive), and hold your hand over the spot. Take several deep breaths. This is a simple step to becoming aware of the mind-body connection. It's okay if you don't know how to fix all of these issues right this minute. Begin embracing the idea that you have a part to play, a harmony that only you can add to the relationships and opportunities in your life!

This blend can help us release the stagnant, toxic thoughts stuck in our body's memory that act as a safety mechanism. They were encoded in our past when we felt unsafe, and from that point on, all of our senses have been given a warning note that says something like, “people will hurt me when they get too close”, or “men/women can't be trusted”, or “I am not lovable,” among other signals. These memories can be triggered by sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell, and they show up in our current experiences and pull us down. The most common emotional patterns created are Self-denial, Revenge, and Distrust.

The problem is that our bodies can't tell the difference between an emotional threat and a physical threat. When we start feeling emotionally vulnerable after these messages have been encoded, the body will send warnings, sometimes thousands of times per day, to keep us alive. We want to reverse these patterns, to restore the blueprint of our original ability to be at PEACE. 

When using the Forgiveness blend, meditate on the opposite of the above emotions - supporting yourself, finding awareness to honor your own truth, and detaching from allowing someone else to have a say over your worth and value. Use the mantras below as you apply the oil, and sit with the feelings until you feel a shift. Oils are very powerful in helping to create new pathways in the brain!

Inner Child essential oil blend releases emotions that distort memories in our cells. Think of this like a picture or video of past events where little edits were made to present something threatening, even if that was not the case. 
Some practical uses for this blend are:
  • Overcoming the trauma of abuse
  • Promoting acceptance
  • Accepting our own needs
  • Stimulating an emotional healing process
  • Releasing obsessive habits and patterns
  • Supporting the mind, body, and emotions during periods of transition
  • For children who struggle with intense fear, trouble letting go and moving on, or who have been uprooted or experienced a traumatic change, this oil will be a huge support.
To use:
  • Place several drops of Inner Child in your diffuser. You can also apply some around the navel and rub a drop into your palms to inhale directly.
  • Use this blend on and around you consistently. Our emotional patterns that took a lifetime to form aren't going to get unraveled completely in one day.
Present Time
Present Time helps you focus on the here and now, so you can get beyond the past and move forward. When paired with the other oils from the Feelings Kit, this is a powerful tool for truly being present with your current experiences and releasing the pain of the past.

This blend of oils creates a strong, encouraging scent to increase the ability to focus on the present moment. As busy men and women, parents, caregivers, employees, etc. we can become so focused on the next deadline, task, or responsibility, and it becomes very easy to lose sight of what is directly in front of us. The stack of papers or dishes or laundry seems so time-sensitive that we rush through the people in front of us - children, spouses, partners, friends, even ourselves. Present Time helps us to allow ourselves to give and receive in the present even when we have been hurt in the past.
Release is a helpful blend to aid in releasing anger and memory trauma from the liver in order to create emotional wellbeing. It helps open the subconscious mind through pineal stimulation (sandalwood and tansy stimulate the pineal gland) to release deep-seated trauma. For our purposes, trauma can be defined as “any situation where you got less than you needed and were not equipped to process it.” These traumas actually get stored deep within our cellular memory, and we can use the limbic system of the brain to help shift our thoughts and emotions around these traumas and patterns.
Helps Release Feelings of:
  • Anger
  • Frustration
  • Being held back
  • Rebellion
  • Feeling wronged
  • Fear of Success
  • Loss of identity
Helps Promote Feelings of:
  • Cleansing
  • Freedom
  • Harmony
  • Unconditional love
To use:
  • Diffuse throughout the day.
  • Diffuse with lavender at bedtime.
  • Apply topically to wrists, over the heart, to the edge of ears and feet. 
  • Remember to use it EVERY DAY! Repeat a positive affirmation that rings true to you for your situation. ‘I am safe. I am loved. I am valued. I am enough. Just as I am right now.'
This blend can be a key oil in overcoming emotional abuse and recovering from trauma. It's a powerhouse when facing a trial or season of adversity because its natural properties help align the body both emotionally and physically. Remember emotions and trauma are often stored in the physical tissues and fascia of our bodies and oils help release stuck emotions and tension at a physical level from specific parts of the body:
  • Feeling Resigned (like you can't fight it): Diaphragm
  • Feeling like you are Losing a Battle: just below lower Lip
  • Fear of Conflict: Abdomen, just above Right and Left Hips
  • Feeling Aggressive: Abdomen, just above Right and Left Hips 
  • Feeling Defensive: Stomach
Valor has properties that get to the core control centers of the negative emotional programs. When we're ready to make a change, to start challenging that; fight or flight survival mode with a better way of thinking and living, this is the perfect oil. 
Using Valor for emotional support can be as simple as applying some to your shoulders, the bottoms of your feet, the back of your neck, or anywhere that you're experiencing tension or a stressful tightness in your body. It's the ultimate diffuser oil with its deep, grounding fragrance.  One great technique is to place a drop or two of Valor between your wrists (palm-up side), and then hold them together for a few minutes. If you're taking time to relax, meditate, or work on your spiritual and emotional health, you can just hold your wrists together while you're sitting quietly.

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